For this week’s blog post, I have selected one of my previously created PowerPoint presentations and as now I have better knowledge of how to create a presentation by following the design principles of multimedia learning, therefore, I redesign and tweak few slides to implement the multimedia learning theory as below:

  • Cognitive load theory
  • Redundancy principle
  • Multimedia and modality principles
  • Signalling principle
  • Signalling and coherence principle

Presentation slides

This presentation was created to deliver a professional development session for my department in the vocational college. The topic was different types of grading within a vocational context. I still feel that I can omit some of the text from my presentation but as it is a professional development session and I have planned some activities for the teachers so there is a limit to remove text from each slide. Although I used visuals and graphics to make each slide appealing to the audience. Each slide is a guide to me on what I need to present in front of my audience as I never read my slides. Moreover, I provided some handouts for the activities.

Apart from that, I have redesigned the infographic using Canva. Infographic is a graphical representation of the data to make it meaningful information and easy to understand.  My infographic consists of images, patterns, colourful themes, and limited text that will give an overview of the topic to the instructor who join my professional development session. It’s a well-structured, visually appealing, and short infographic that demonstrates clearly what are the objectives and what to expect to learn after attending the professional development session.

Infographic by Anum Din is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0


Crozier, N. (2021, October 4). Week 5: Design principles for multimedia presentations. EDCI 337 Interactive and Multimedia Learning. Retrieved October 10, 2021, from