Successful technology integration is not just getting the tools into the classroom. Instead, it depends on the selection of the appropriate technology based on the trainees’ level and subject needs. It is a channel for teachers to aid and enhance learning, create opportunities to connect with the student, and encourage the student to avail the information creatively. Therefore, the obstacle is not to incorporate technology in teaching and learning but to implement it with effective pedagogy.

Let’s understand this concept considering the powerful concept of the SAMR model. SAMR stands for Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition. This SAMR model is a framework developed in 2010 by education researcher Ruben Puentedra, the idea was to share a ‘‘common language’’ to design meaningful learning experiences with technology.

SAMR by sarah scott-parke is licensed under CC BY 2.0

During the Covid pandemic when we are having remote and blended learning this model is an asset for the educators to enhance the teaching and learning and it can further accelerate online education.

Tutorial ‘’ How to create a mind map using Canva? ’’ by Anum Aitizaz

In the above tutorial, I created and edited a video on ‘’ How to create a mind map using Canva? ’’. The trainees will be asked to make a mind map for their final project. When I selected the tool, I make sure it must be free/cheap for trainees, user-friendly, interactive, and supported the diverse learner’s needs, and above all meeting my classroom objectives efficiently. Let’s critically evaluate this video lesson with the reference to the SAMR model.


  • Substitution: As an educator, I will ask my trainees to create a mind map using the Canva platform instead of using paper and pen.
  • Augmentation: My trainees will get a chance to access the built-in feature within the Canva for further development of their output.


  • Modification: Once my trainees will create the 1st draft based on their interest/topic. I will ask them to share the draft with each other and implement a peer assessment technique that will allow them to amend their work based on the feedback received from their classmates.
  • Redefinition: Thus, the whole process of learning will allow my trainees to be creative, think out of the box, learn from previous experiences, improve their work, and take ownership of their learning.

Therefore, it is evident that by implementing the SAMR model we can enhance and transform the learning experience for the trainees in an effective way using educational technology.


Ruben Puentedura on the Impact of the SAMR Model | Common Sense Education. Common Sense Education. (2021). Retrieved 26 October 2021, from